Monday 30 September 2013

What the heck is going on with NIST’s cryptographic standard, SHA-3?

The cryptographic community has been deeply shaken since revelations earlier this month that the National Security Agency (NSA) has been using a number of underhanded methods – stealing encryption keys, subverting standards setting processes, planting backdoors in products – to undermine much of the encryption used online. This includes crucial pieces of e-commerce like HTTPS (SSL/TLS) and Virtual Private Networks (VPN) that we use each day to purchase things online, to socialize in private, and that businesses use to communicate confidential and proprietary information. While the reporting has been vague and hasn’t pointed to specific software versions or protocols that have been compromised, last week RSA Security – a major supplier of cryptographic software and hardware – initiated a product recall of sorts, warning users that one of its popular software encryption products contained a likely NSA-planted backdoor. The practical implication of the RSA recall is that much of the encryption that used this product since 2007 isn’t nearly as secure as it was supposed to be.
Those of us who follow developments in the cryptographic community have noticed another troubling development: there are a number of cryptographers upset with how the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is standardizing a new set of encryption algorithms called SHA-3 (which stands for the third version of the Secure Hashing Algorithm). The remainder of this post explains what is going on with SHA-3 and how NIST could defuse this particular controversy while it still has the chance.
(Warning: In this post, I’m assuming the reader is familiar with the concepts underlying basic encryption tools, called “cryptographic primitives,” such as hash functions, digital signatures, and message authentication codes.)
What is SHA-3?
SHA-3 is the “next generation” hash algorithm being standardized by NIST. In 2005, researchers developed an attack that called into question the security guarantees of an earlier secure hash algorithm, SHA-1. The characteristics of this 2005 attack seemed to hint that it could be refined to attack many of the secure hash functions at the time, including SHA-0, MD4, MD5 and even SHA-2. At the time, for many cryptographers, the message was clear: a new hash algorithm is needed and it should be based on completely different underlying mathematics that are not susceptible to the attacks threatening known hash functions. To be clear: SHA-1 is thought to be on its way out, as people expect the earlier attacks to be improved considerably in the coming years and there hasn’t been any result that calls into question the soundness of SHA-2 at all. Attacks always improve, so it’s imperative that there is an alternative hash function ready to go when and if the floor falls out of the earlier hash functions.
NIST’s cryptographic technology group is world-renowned for cryptographic algorithm standardization. In 2007, NIST began the process to develop and standardize a new secure hash algorithm that would be called SHA-3. The process for choosing a new algorithm was designed as a competition: new candidate algorithms were submitted by more than 60 research teams and over five years the entrants were whittled down to a set of finalists, from which a winner was chosen. In October of last year, NIST announced that a team of Italian and Belgian cryptographers had won the competition with their submission named, “Keccak” (pronounced “KECH-ack”).
What has NIST done with SHA-3?
Since the announcement of Keccak as the winner, NIST has been working hard to turn Keccak into a standard. That is, NIST can’t just point to the academic paper and materials submitted by the Keccak team and call that a standard. NIST has to write the algorithm up in a standards-compliant format and include it in other NIST cryptographic standards documents, such as a successor to the Secure Hash Standard document (FIPS Publication 180-4).
Here’s where the controversy starts.
One of the most accomplished civilian cryptographers, NIST’s John Kelsey, gave an invited talk at a conference in August, the Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems 2013 (CHES’13), where he described some of the changes NIST has made to Keccak in turning it into a standard. The changes were detailed in five slides (slides 44-48) of Kelsey’s slide deck for his talk. Two major changes puzzled some in attendance:
  • In the name of increased performance (running faster in software and hardware), the security levels of Keccak were drastically reduced. The four versions of the winning Keccak algorithm had security levels of 224-bits, 256-bits, 384-bits, and 512-bits. However, from Kelsey’s slides, NIST intends to standardize only two versions, a 128-bit and a 256-bit version.
  • Some of the internals of the algorithm had been tweaked by NIST – some in cooperation with the team that submitted Keccak – to improve performance and allow for new types of applications.

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