Friday 18 October 2013

84% Muslim women are totally against under-18 marriage

The Times of India-Ipsos Survey shows that most Muslims in Kerala are categorically against underage marriage. The majority of respondents in the survey consider it nothing less than sacrilegious to insist, as the clergy and a conservative minority within the community do, that attaining puberty is the main criterion for a girl's marriage. They also inextricably link the extent of a girl's education, job prospects and financial independence with a meaningful married life.

As many as 83% of the respondents oppose the proposition that attaining puberty makes a girl ready for marriage, with a gender-based break up showing that 84% women and 81% men are against it. Significantly, the mixed gender percentage which opposes underage marriage is around 90% in Muslim-majority Malappuram.

Ipsos, a leading global market research agency,conductedthesurvey between October 3 and 9, 2013. A structured questionnaire was administered to men and women in the age groups of 16-25 and 35-50 and involved 80 respondents each in Kochi and Thiruvananthapuram and 100 respondents each in Kozhikode and Malappuram.

Crucially, in order to eliminate hidden biasesthat may havebeen presentin the questions asked and to avoid outsiders, however well-intentioned, sitting in judgment of the community, we shared the survey's findings with a number of prominent Muslim men and women to get their opinion. Uneasy liaison: Social orthodoxy & progress

As it is, underage marriage is widely prevalent in India across communities and, what is more, enjoys tacit official sanction. In Kerala, official connivance is, if anything, more pronounced.

In June this year, the social welfare department issued a circular directing local bodies to allow registration of marriages of girls below 18 and men below 21.

A series of high-profile stories by TOI forced the issue into public spotlight and pressured the government to revise the circular. But conservative organizations continue to demand legitimacy for under-18 marriage for girls.

To what extent these organizations represent the views of the community is questionable, which is why TOI decided to embark on a survey that would focus on disparate individuals from a cross-section of the community and across geographical locales.

Strangely, while most respondents in the survey were unambiguous in opposing underage marriage per se, they seemed reluctant to acknowledge the logical conclusions of such a stand. For instance, most of the women respondents in the 16-25 age group were clearly drawn to the idea of personal freedom that entailed, say, freer mingling with the opposite sex and unsupervised use of mobile phones and internet, but only 2% in Thiruvananthapuram, Kochi and Malappuram and 8% in Kozhikode linked such freedom with the ability to decide for themselves on marriage and career.

Even fewer respondents wanted personal freedom to include travelling outside the state or grooming themselves for a social leadership role.

The survey highlighted other contrasts too, notably in sartorial preference: an astounding 91% in Thiruvananthapuram and 94% in Kochi were against western clothes.

In the final analysis, the TOI-Ipsos survey has captured a community in transition and, as with any community with such heritage, complexity and variegation as the Muslims of Kerala, the data, even as it demolishes stereotypes, defies easy answers or simple solutions.

69% aware of U-18 marriages of friends, kin 

Amajority (69%) of those who participated in the TOI-Ipsos survey said they were aware of under-18 marriages involving relatives or friends. 

The same set of people opposed underage marriages and also disagreed to the tenet that attainting puberty makes a girl ready for marriage. While 75% of respondents in Kochi said that they knew girls who had tied the knot before 18, 69% in Thiruvananthapuram were aware of such marriages taking place. 

In comparison, in Malappuram and Kozhikode only 69% and 66%, respectively, knew of underage marriages. While around 71% people in the older age group (35-50 years) knew women who got married before 18, 67% in the younger age group (16-25 years) said that they knew about underage marriages. 

A majority of the respondents vehemently said that getting married before 18 years would not get rid of sexual frustration. A section of clerics supporting underage marriages has been arguing that early marriages will also not make youths go astray. While 69% of respondents said getting married before 18 will not get rid of sexual frustration, in Kochi 38% were undecided on the issue. While 68% women disagreed, 71% men, in the survey, rubbished this argument. Those polled in Thiruvananthapuram also rubbished this proposition with 85% of them saying marrying before 18 is not a solution to get rid of sexual frustration. In Malappuram and Kozhikode too, 77% and 65% of people, respectively, turned down the argument.

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