A 12-year-old Texas girl who had been missing since Thursday morning was found safe Saturday at a Mexican restaurant near her home. 
Adrienne Solorzano was found at around 3 p.m. local time Saturday after police officers received a phone call saying she was at the restaurant. Officers arrived, found the girl, and took her to the police department to be interviewed. It was not immediately clear who made the initial call informing police of her location, and authorities would not immediately discuss the circumstances surrounding Adrienne's disappearance. 
Solorzano had previously been seen leaving her portable classroom at Bradenburg Middle School in Garland, Texas to meet her father and a teacher to discuss recent grades in the main school building, MyFoxDFW.com reports.
Police said Solorzano never made it to the building and surveillance cameras at the school’s entrances and exits did not show her.
The middle school student did not have a cell phone, and is not active on social media. Her family said she had never run away from home before. 
The school sent a letter home to parents Friday explaining the situation and encouraging parents to talk to students, MyFoxDFW.com reported.
“The safety of students and staff at Bradenburg is paramount,” the letter said.
“Please help us reinforce this message. Talk to your child this evening about the importance of sharing any action they may experience or witness that impacts the security of our campus.”