Sunday 9 October 2016

In new recordings, Trump describes daughter Ivanka's 'beauty'

NEW DELHI: Donald Trump's crassness about women includes his tolerating a radio jockey calling his daughter Ivanka "a piece of a**."

CNN on Sunday released a radio show excerpt from September 2004 in which radio jockey - or 'shock-jock' - Howard Stern asks Trump whether he can refer to his daughter as a body part.

And what does Trump do? He simply says "yeah."

This revelation comes a mere two days after Trump faced the toughest test yet to his Presidential bid, when a 2005 video surfaced showing him making extraordinarily crass remarks about women.

The new recording released Sunday was one of many reviewed and compiled by CNN on SoundCloud. According to a CNN report, the audio clips span a time period of 17 years.

In another recording, Stern can be heard telling Trump that his daughter is "more voluptuous than ever," and asking him if she has gone under the knife. Trump's response: "She's actually always been very voluptuous...she's tall, she's almost six feet tall and she's been...she's an amazing beauty."

To be fair, it must be said that in both the clips that mention Ivanka Trump, the real estate magnate talks about her Wharton School of Finance credentials. In one of the clips, he actually explicitly says that she has both beauty and brains, and that her intelligence matters more than anything else. But all of that is eclipsed by his initial responses to Stern's crude comments.

This is not all that CNN's research has dredged up. In another recording, Trump can be heard responding with an unequivocal "Oh, absolutely" to Stern's asking him whether he could be having sex with 24-year olds. "I have no problem," he says. By his own admission, he was 60 at the time.

And in yet another clip, the Republican nominee can be heard calling 30 the "perfect age" for a woman, and 35 "check-out time", presumably meaning that that is when the relationship should be ended.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of CNN's revelations, but they are likely to be the ones the furious public debate about the validity of Trump's candidacy will focus on in the coming days.

Trump's Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton must be rubbing her palms with glee.

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